We are connected directly to an operator which is using an SMSC running under OpenVMS.
I know that Compaq is providing LogicaCMG SMSC solutions, it may be that...
Apparently, the information of what they are running is a bit secret, which is not very
surprising. Is it possible to fingerprint an SMSC ?
But what is really strange to me is most of time it works fine, and only a few messages
are affected. How do you think I should investigate ?
Many thanks!

Oded Arbel wrote:

On Sunday 20 July 2003 16:12, Mat wrote:

Ok! So if I understand well, I've to spank my operator because he has a
broken SMSC ?

Are you using your provider SMSC directly or through some abstraction layer ? if its the former, then I'd wager we need to probe the issue deeper on Kannel's side : I learned not to mistrust the major SMSC providers (except comverse ;-) - its more likely to be our fault. if its the later, then you most definetly need to spank your operator - I learned that most operator's internal software departments suck.

Do you think I can discuss with them if I provide them network message
IDs of lost messages ?
Is it easy to make these IDs appear in the kannel logfiles ?

They appear on the AT2 log after CMGS response.

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