On Wed, Jun 01, 2016 at 10:35:31AM -0400, Dan Book wrote:
> As mentioned, this isn't just about screen, tmux, and nohup (or if there's
> any other programs used in a similar context). *Any* command run with a
> trailing & is commonly expected to survive logout, usually from remote
> shells. 

Um, no.  There is *no* expectation of a random command surviving loss of 
its controlling tty (ie logout) unless explcit steps were taken to 
mitigate it.  Such as the command daemonizing itself or ignoring 
SIGHUP -- either explicitly or via use of nohup (which also gives the 
added benefit of capturing stdout)

'&' in of itself was *never* any sort of guarantee, regardless of 
foolish expectations to the contrary.

 - Solomon
Solomon Peachy                         pizza at shaftnet dot org
Delray Beach, FL                          ^^ (email/xmpp) ^^
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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