On Mon, 2016-12-05 at 16:10 -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
> It was by design, though — for a while, when a schedule slipped, we
> planned the next schedule as 6 or 7 months from the actual release.
> This time, we tried to keep it to October even though the previous
> release had slipped, resulting in the short schedule. I'm the person
> who pushed for that (because of the value of calendar consistency),
> and
> I'm now saying it was a mistake.

I still think it's a good idea for Workstation. We really need to be
seen as the leading GNOME distro: that's what gets GNOME people using
Workstation and recommending that other people install it, then those
people recommend it... I think it's part of the story behind our recent
rise in popularity. Right now we are that leading GNOME distro because
we usually follow about 1-2 months behind a GNOME release. It's a huge
advantage over, say, Ubuntu, where people complain about needing PPAs
to get the latest software and upstream has already moved on to newer
versions half a year ago. Right now this is one of our biggest
strengths as a distro, and your proposal would throw that away. So
there is real serious risk of changing this.

Also, if we do one release per year, then I expect most of the Red Hat
developers who work on GNOME would start using some unstable copr to
get the latest GNOME; this means way fewer developers using and testing
the latest release, since it's too stale. (I dunno what I'd do myself,
stick around and use a GNOME copr, or try to go improve Tumbleweed...?)

I'm even concerned by schedule slippage into June; this is the time of
year that I see complaints that Fedora is too old, go install Arch. I'd
prefer that we always target early May and November releases for
Workstation. I know, the early May is hard for GCC, but GCC isn't our
user experience and I'm sure it can wait until the fall releases.

A tangential argument is this will hurt our reputation for being a
leading-edge distro. Ubuntu would have newer software than us for half
the year....

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