Here is reply from CUPS mailing list:

On 11/08/2017 08:58 PM, Michael Sweet wrote:
> Zdenek,
>> On Nov 8, 2017, at 11:11 AM, Zdenek Dohnal <> wrote:
>> ...
>> would you mind considering dual license - Apache License 2.0 and GPLv2+?
>> Because "OS-supplied library" definition is relative and it could end up
>> that any widely used library can be exception (not mention widely used
>> libraries differs across distributions - so library would be count as
>> "OS-supplied library" on one distro and not on a other) - and that will
>> lead into nullifying existing licensing rules.
> IANAL and am not comfortable getting into a legal debate about what 
> constitutes an OS-supplied library or whether GPL2-only software can 
> "legally" link against libcups.  But as an example, CUPS had to deal with 
> this when linking against OpenSSL in the past by adding an exception to the 
> license file saying "it is OK to link CUPS against OpenSSL"...  I don't see 
> why that approach would not work for any GPLv2-only project, if there was any 
> question about CUPS being a standard OS library after almost 20 years of 
> use...
> Anyways, I can certainly forward your dual-licensing request to the 
> appropriate people at Apple, but I'm sure they will want to know which 
> projects/applications you think will be unable to continue using CUPS, and 
> why.
> Thanks!
> _________________________________________________________
> Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer
> _______________________________________________
> cups-devel mailing list

AFAIK such projects are gutenprint, cups-filters or hplip... does anyone
have in mind other projects, which will be unable to use CUPS and reason?

Zdenek Dohnal
Associate Software Engineer
Red Hat Czech - Brno TPB-C

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