On Sun, 2010-08-29 at 14:13 -0500, Mike McGrath wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Aug 2010, Manuel Escudero wrote:
> > 3) We're already using a GOOGLE SEARCH BOX!! in 
> > http://start.fedoraproject.org/ ¿Do you have the code for this one?
> > NO. And Fedora Project is using it. I'm sharing a "Fedora Solution" an 
> > applied search engine for the community. and I can
> > add as many collaborators as I want, I can share my code, I can Modify it, 
> > it's more "opensource" that the one that we're already using...
> >
> Just to make this clear on 3).  We grandfathered that in, meaning it is
> now against policy to do more of it but we didn't remove it because it
> had historical significance.  Though I believe we're in the works to
> replace the start page with something else.

Interesting.  I can understand not wanting to promote a proprietary
search engine on the Fedora start page, but if the idea is that Fedora
users and contributors should be able to avoid using them altogether, I
think that's currently pretty unrealistic.  People have questions all
the time, and being able to search the whole web for an answer at once
is great.  Without a web search, one has to do a separate search of each
data source (wiki, bug database, mailing lists) of each relevant
project, assuming those search features even exist and that it is
possible to identify all the relevant projects in advance (harder when
searching for work to reuse).


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