Jon Masters píše v Po 30. 08. 2010 v 17:17 -0400: 
> On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 23:11 +0200, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> > Now, if we Fedora should be a distribution that developers enjoy using,
> > there will be an updates firehose - and most developers won't mind too
> > much.  If Fedora should be a distribution that developers can install on
> > their grandparents' computers, developers won't enjoy working on the
> > distribution so much - both because this requires bureaucracy, and
> > because the result is not as interesting a distribution - and either the
> > quality and size of the distribution will suffer, or there will have to
> > be another motivation for many people to participate.
> Why does it have to be one or the other? There are ways to do both with
> vitualization, separate stream of packages, multiple versions of the
> same thing. Who knows what else. The point is, nobody is saying you
> can't take a stable base and add in more recent bits for your area of
> interest if six months really is too long for you to wait.
Because all these options require additional work from _each additional
user_.  Or do we form 2048 specialized Fedora repos, one for each set of
interesting packages?  That just doesn't work.

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