On 10/19/2010 11:25 AM, seth vidal wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-10-19 at 16:22 +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
>>> Hmm, So when this was broken a lot of bugs were triggered? 
>>> Sure seems like if a lot of bugs are being triggered then it is NOT a
>>> niche usecase.
>>> You can't have it both ways.
>> Very few people do it. When they do, lots of things break. It's kind of 
>> like trying to run Fedora under the NetBSD Linux emulation. Nobody does 
>> it, but if they did they'd find that a surprising quantity of code 
>> wouldn't work.
> you keep asserting this claim - and yet all the evidence in terms of
> concerned users comes to the contrary.
> Can you document or backup your assertion?

This seems like a question smolt should be able to answer...

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