Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> On 6/22/22 15:05, Vipul Siddharth wrote:
>> == Benefit to Fedora ==
>> This proposal ensures than no new packages in Fedora will rely on the
>> deprecated OpenSSL version that will cause an overall increase of
>> security/stability, and will reduce the amount of old packages relying
>> on OpenSSL 1.1 series.
> This sentence is too long, and as a result I don't think readers will
> understand it the way it was intended. I suggest simplifying to:
> ---
> This proposal ensures that no new packages in Fedora will rely on the
> deprecated OpenSSL version.  That  change will cause an overall increase
> in security/stability, and will reduce the amount of old packages
> relying on OpenSSL 1.1 series.
> ---
> In addition to the wording changes, do you mean 'package-versions' here
> where you say 'packages'? Is a new version of OpenSSH, for example,
> considered a 'new package' for the purposes of this proposal?

As I read this the plan is to drop the devel package from the shipping
repos but it is still available in the buildroot.

But then there is this:

== Dependencies ==
No packages should depend on openssl1.1-devel packages that is eliminated.

But if the devel package is eliminate then doesn't this mean completely
dropping OpenSSL 1.x?

I assume it's a nuanced thing. Can you clarify this?

What about a plan to drop OpenSSL 1.x support entirely. Should that be
included in this or is it out-of-scope. Maybe a look-ahead (e.g " in the
F38-39 series we'll look to kill it entirely.")

What does this mean for reproducible builds if the devel package is not

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