
        Hoping to be wrong.

        Today I was working on my package after a long time,
        I upgraded from version 2.1-320 to 2.1-400.

        I didn't "fedpkg new-sources" and only updated
        the spec file to be 2.1-400 (sources file was
        still referring to 2.1-320).
        fedpkg commit ; fedpkg push

        Next, fedpkg build

        Koji reported me 2.1-400 was compiled no trouble.
        how come? new tar file was not event uploaded...

        Is my understanding right?, koji build
        report "spec file" version while crunching
        "sources file" version!
        Did I missed something or we are in "easy mistake"

A bientôt
Jean-Marc Pigeon                                   Internet: j...@safe.ca
SAFE Inc.                                          Phone: (514) 493-4280
                                                   Fax:   (514) 493-1946
        Clement, 'a kiss solution' to get rid of SPAM (at last)
           Clement' Home base <"http://www.clement.safe.ca";>

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