On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 00:03:28 +0200, VS (Ville) wrote:

> How are you checking whether your executable ended up linked with
> something?

Admittedly, I trusted Tom Lane's list of affected packages, looked at
ldd -u -r output and then examined the source.

>  If with ldd, note that it's recursive.  AFAIU for example
> "eu-readelf -d /path/to/something | grep NEEDED" shows a better picture
> which is also mirrored in package dependencies.
> Configuring geeqie with
>     %configure --enable-lirc LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed"
> ...instead of plain %configure --enable-lirc in a F-15 mock test build I
> just did from the devel branch dropped the number of shared libs listed
> in the eu-readelf command above for /usr/bin/geeqie from 25 to 15, and
> libpng* no longer appears in the resulting package's dependencies.

Puzzles me. The F-16 build doesn't depend on libpng* directly:

$ rpm -qR geeqie|grep png
$ rpm -q geeqie

Seems I'll need to test further and _not_ focus on libpng*.
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