On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 19:35:21 -0400, TL (Tom) wrote:

> > On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 19:07:44 -0400, TL (Tom) wrote:
> >> My list was just the result of "repoquery --whatrequires".
> > The last Rawhide build of "geeqie" also doesn't depend on libpng*.
> > F-15 does, however, which might be where you've run repoquery.
> Hmm ... actually I did it on an F-14 box.  My notes say I did "repoquery
> --repoid=fedora-rawhide --whatrequires ..." but I've had problems before
> with repoquery not doing what I thought it would.  Can anyone elucidate
> on the proper incantation for this?

Well, the basic options are correct [--alldeps is the default, and the
--repoid option disables all repos but the specified one(s)]. However, the
repoid is suspicous. On F-14, the fedora-release-rawhide package installs
a fedora-rawhide.repo file for a "rawhide" repo not a "fedora-rawhide"
repo. You could verify whether your "fedora-rawhide" is not a custom one
pointing at something other than the true Rawhide.

Running this same query (also on F-14), "geeqie" isn't in the output
but many many packages.
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