On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 22:06:33 +0530
Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/27/2011 09:20 PM, Bernd Stramm wrote:
> > 
> > I think this is going a little far. Saying that people are better
> > off being able to read is not elitist. 
> Yes it is. Because you are assuming that it is because people have
> trouble reading.  I can read just fine but I would love to have
> screenshots for games.  Whats wrong with that?

Call me elitist then, I think it is better when more people can read,
and when they actually do it.

If implemented the wrong way, what's wrong with screenshots 
is bloat. I don't want my system to store screenshots for 30,000
packages that I haven't installed, just because some people 
like screenshots.

> And like or not, we who make
> > tools are doing a part of building the world. Should we try to make 
> > it better, or simple more convenient?
> Why not do both?  Additional metadata which is useful is a no brainer
> to add.

Structurally simple perhaps. But there is overhead for the fedora
project to consider, and overhead in the installed systems. It would be
better to add more convenience for one type of user without
inconveniencing other types of users, and without making it harder
to make packages.

Bernd Stramm
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