On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Bernd Stramm <bernd.str...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Removing the screenshots, icons, popularity vote results etc etc
> post-install is not a good solution. These things should be available
> when someone wants to look at them, not installed by default.
> The mechanisms to look at them should be there unless removed, but not
> the advertising for several thousand packages.

Since the install can't happen unless you're online— why not load
these screenshots over the network on demand?

I was just making fun of an ubuntu desktop install the other day: No
NFS client but >100 mbytes of icons.

None of these decisions exist in a vacuum— if fedora is to include
many megabytes of screenshots in the default install then thats a
great many applications which can't be installed.

For many simple programs a good high resolution screenshot of the
program will be similar in size to the program.
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