Adam Williamson wrote:
> I didn't want to throw this grenade into the debate, but now someone
> else has, I'll just note that I was in favour of this before and I'm
> still in favour of it now. :) Rolling release is a model that makes
> clear sense for a distribution with the goals that Fedora has.

I've wanted to write up a blog post about my plan for a rolling release,
but I'll post a snip-it here.

Fedora Rawhide - stays as is... it is a rolling release

Fedora Feature - think of it as F18 beta right now

Fedora Stable - think of it as F16/F17 right now

People choose the branch level at install time. Of course, like now,
people can override this in the future with a change of fedora-release
or yum --releasever. However, per-package updates from another branch
level might not be something everyone can agree on how to handle, so it
might be wise to limit support of it at first.

A shiny new feature is introduced in Rawhide. Things go boom. Not many
people are hurt by this. Once it has been given a few band-aids the
feature could be submitted to Fedora Feature. After some hardening and
polishing the feature could finally be pushed to Fedora Stable.

I feel this should give a good compromise to everyone's fears of a
rolling release. It gives the feature freaks a place in Fedora. It gives
the stable stubborns a place in Fedora.

I'll wake up from my dream now.

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