Adam Williamson <> writes:
> On Fri, 2012-11-02 at 21:07 +0100, drago01 wrote:
>> I disagree with that. Fedora releases had some small regression
>> introduced via updates from time but is is *very* usable as a stable
>> operating system.

> I disagree. It's usable by the kind of people who use Fedora.

Uh, no.  What you describe is usable by the kind of people who use
rawhide.  Which is what, 1% of our user base?  If that.

Abandoning any pretense of having stable releases will eliminate a huge
fraction of the user community.  For sure it will eliminate *me*.  I'm
not in the business of fighting OS bugs every single day, and I will not
be forced into that business.  I have other things that I'm more
productive at.

I'm curious what you think package maintainers will do their package
maintenance on, if there is no Fedora version that they can trust to
still work tomorrow or the day after.  (Anyone up for porting fedpkg
to Ubuntu?)

I've seen a whole lot of user demand for *more* stable versions of
Fedora.  I've seen none whatever for less stable versions.

                        regards, tom lane
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