Le Lun 5 novembre 2012 22:33, Matthias Clasen a écrit :
> On Mon, 2012-11-05 at 17:04 +0100, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>> You proposal may work *if* GNOME people take care to respect it.
>> Otherwise
>> — yes the nuclear option is to only distribute GNOME releases that were
>> ready at branch time and could be stabilised during all the Fedora test
>> releases. It may seem excessive but the current
>> it-says-it-is-stable-push-it-to-users-without-testing policy has not
>> been
>> good for both of the projects I think.
> Not sure what you are trying to say - looking at the current blocker but
> list, I see barely any GNOME bug there.

Maybe because people have stopped filling them ?

I can reliably make dconf and gnome-settings eat all system cpu and make
the computer unusable short of an hard reset, have been able to do so for
months, reported it once or twice, the reports were closed each time with
unhelpful comments (do not care about rawhide/if it's misbehaving, it's
because something else makes it misbehave — even though the only thing
running is the gnome shell) so now I don't bother reporting at all (and
that's not the only problem, only the most critical and coe one I see)

When I have testing cycles to spare I send reports to Dan Walsh who does
run rawhide and does make something with the reports I fill.

Bottom line, GNOME has been very successful in discouraging messengers it
didn't like, that does not make it any less broken unfortunately.

Nicolas Mailhot

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