On Tue, 2013-05-14 at 22:21 -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On May 14, 2013, at 9:53 PM, Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > Do those 'other platforms' use sendmail? I don't think many other
> > distros ship it by default any more. Debian installs exim by default,
> > for instance.
> No. But this one does therefore it might be nice, since it's installed *and* 
> enabled, if the necessary incantation of .localdomain were automatically 
> added for the user if they use a single word hostname, rather than cause 2+ 
> minute startup delays as a totally non-obvious consequence of their lack of 
> knowledge.
> > 
> >> And if I use it, I end up with worse problems in that more services
> >> have long delays rather than just sendmail and sm-client, and I can no
> >> longer do ssh chris@f19q.local but rather I have to type
> >> chris@f19qlocaldomain.
> > 
> > I know you said that, but as I wrote in the bug, I can't reproduce that
> > at all. I use foo.localdomain hostnames, I don't have startup delays,
> > and avahi foo.local still works.
> Yeah something hasn't ever been right for me with Fedora and mDNS. Fedora 
> clients refuse to resolve each other, but will resolve to a Mac, and Macs 
> find Fedoras. Example:
> [root@f19q ~]# scp kernel-3.10.0-0.rc1.git2.1.fc20.x86_64.rpm 
> chris@ming.local:/users/chris/desktop/
> ssh: Could not resolve hostname ming.local: Name or service not known
> lost connection
> The same VM I can ssh to from a Mac, from Fedora 18 I get:
> [root@f18slocaldomain ~]# ssh chris@f19q.local
> ssh: Could not resolve hostname f19q.local: Name or service not known
> It's supposedly zeroconf for a reason, so it shouldn't be this difficult.
> > 
> >> The only two things I change from the stock installation is set the
> >> hostname, and 'systemctl enable sshd' and 'systemctl start sshd'.
> >> That's it.
> > 
> > Are you setting the hostname during installation or post-install?
> I've tried both, but when I rename it I'm using 'hostnamectl set-hostname 
> XXX' as I'm not seeing anything obvious in Gnome that does this.
> Chris Murphy

$ host brain-Desktop
brain-Desktop has address
but in desktop:
$ hostnamectl 
   Static hostname: brain-Desktop.localdomain
All works well.

Best Regards,
Igor Gnatenko

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