On May 14, 2013, at 4:12 PM, Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net> wrote:

> Once upon a time, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> said:
>> In sendmail's defense, the time is about the same on F18. (It's consistently 
>> a bit faster in an F19 VM running on the same F18 system as host.)
> When sendmail takes that long, there's a configuration problem (which
> could be in the default config, I don't know).  I haven't seen delays
> like that in a default setup or my custom sendmail configs.  How is your
> network configured?

Cable internet service piped into a consumer wireless router using either 
dd-wrt or Tomato firmware, and F18 or F19 installed from Live media. Physical 
connection is wired ethernet.

The only things related to networking I change is setting a hostname from 
localhost to f18s, f19s or f19q; and occasionally adding the b43 firmware if I 
decide to go wireless.

Booted from Live media F19 beta TC4, sendmail.service is 55ms. But when 
installed with no change (other than maybe the hostname) it becomes just over 1 

Chris Murphy
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