On 10/08/2013 02:11 AM, Lex Trotman wrote:

On 8 October 2013 20:08, Lex Trotman <ele...@gmail.com <mailto:ele...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        Not sure what you mean by test suite, I've uploaded it to
        github ( https://github.com/tgaurnier/geany/), and would love
        for people to test it, it seems to be fairly bug free now,
        there's things I still want to fix, but when using correct QML
        syntax it seems to be pretty flawless now (at least from the
        testing I've done).

Also could you put your changes in a branch, not master, so they are easier to identify.


        Could you maybe shoot me a link of one of the test suites from
        Colomban you're refering to?

    https://github.com/geany/geany/tree/master/tests/ctags is the
    tests for other parsers.  As the commit messages say most come
    from upstream, more are always welcome, especially for new parsers.


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That's what I was originally doing, but I forgot to switch back to it, and accidentally commited everything to master :P As you can tell I'm totally new to git.

So, should I just upload the secondary branch, or is there a way I can restore the master branch to it's original form?
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