On 10/07/2013 12:23 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:
Le 07/10/2013 21:01, Tory Gaurnier a écrit :
Well I've run into quite a strange bug, and I'm wondering if anyone has
had a similar issue. It's working as expected when you first open a QML
file, it finds all the tags and places them in a hierarchy/tree
structure in the symbol list, however, when you do something that causes
it to refresh (like deleting a bracket or something else), then it
suddenly removes a whole bunch of the tags from the symbol list and it
doesn't add them back no matter what. Doesn't it rerun your whole
filetype.c file every time it refreshes the symbol list?

At first I thought it could be a memory corruption because I didn't yet
have all my malloced values being freed, but I've fixed that, every bit
of memory I allocate is freed now, so it's not that.

What scenarios could possibly cause something like this?
Do you have global variables you don't re-initialize each time?
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I don't know how I didn't realize this, but I was using a static variable in a while loop only thinking of it in scope of the while loop. You got me thinking about it when you suggested the global variables not being re-initialized. I hate that I didn't notice it earlier but I'm glad it wasn't a complicated issue.
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