Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Jerry Vonau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well other issues popped up, avahi from F7 appeared in a "rpm -q avahi"
>> along with the one from F9 like above. Quick fix:
>> "rpm -e --justdb avahi-0.6.17-1.fc7.i386"

This an upstream issue, the rpm exit scriptlet fails for avahi.fc7.

>> I used the same kind of fix for the above fedora-release issue.
> That's possibly an upstream problem?
The obsoletes should correct the fedora-release.

>> Second, pirut from F7, is dragging in F9's gnome-packagekit and friend if
> ...
>> I can see the ones coming from updates-newkey, but the ones from fedora
>> should of been on the spin, as to preform a complete upgrade. Should we look
>> to add these to the spin, just uninstall them before the upgrade, or leave
>> them for the local admins to deal with?
> Well, 0.4 had a much wider set of dependencies, which we're simplified
> and dropped. I don't care about those packages, they aren't useful for
> the XS role, adding new versions of them in the spin would just bloat
> us (and leave use tied to an ever growing set). On the other hand, if
> we remove them and a local admin cared about one of them, we'll be in
> trouble :-)

Then we should have them uninstalled locally, pirut for sure, that 
prevents NetworkManager from being installed as a dependence later. Or 
we risk having a old packages on the box that may come back to haunt us 
at a later update.

> So maybe we can post something in the wiki saying -- it's safe to
> remove these if you don't care about them.
Make it a big notice, and that if those packages are useful to you 
please report the usage to the mailing list. That if you don't uninstall 
those packages, the install is now outside of OLPC support and that the 
admins will have to enable the fedora & fedora-updates repos to update 
those packages to current releases themselves.

>> Then there are these leftovers after the update:
>> htmlview-4.0.0-3.fc7.noarch
>> gnome-mime-data-2.18.0-2.fc7.noarch
>> system-config-securitylevel-1.7.0-6.fc7.i386
>> sysklogd-1.4.2-9.fc7.i386
>> rssh-2.3.2-5.fc7.i386
>> system-config-soundcard-2.0.6-6.fc7.noarch
> rssh is being used by ds-backup - the others are completely removable :-)
> thanks for the sleuthing...
more wiki fodder

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