Today I had a look at VGA/DVI. I must say I'm a bit disappointed - try
as I might, I didn't spot a single bug :-(

A few details, though:

- U18 doesn't show the central pad's connection to ground. I suppose
  that's just something in the schematics ? U1 has the same issue.

- the circuit around D5 looks confusing. How about rearranging it as
  shown at the bottom of

- we deviate from the reference design at one point, namely R142 where
  Analog Devices recommend 530 Ohm (figure 10) while we use 560 Ohm.
  I don't think that parameter is very sensitive, so I wouldn't expect
  this small difference to matter.

And a quick return to audio: shouldn't things like LINEIN_DET and
LINEOUT_DET also have TVS ? (Thinking of little arcs finding their
way across airgaps and into the FPGA ...)

- Werner
IRC: #milkymist@Freenode

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