It runs server side.

On Saturday, November 30, 2013, Yann Sionneau wrote:

> Victor,
> It looks really great :)
> Really cool web based tool!
> Did you compile iverilog to javascript and run it locally on the user's
> browser?
> Or does it run server-side?
> 2013/11/30 Victor Lyuboslavsky < <javascript:_e({},
> 'cvml', '');>>
>> Migen is now available on EDA Playground for simulations. Example:
>> Please try it out. It works with the waveform viewer.
>> It would be good to have a couple more Migen examples, like a memory
>> example (all the other methodologies have a RAM example). If you'd like to
>> create a couple good Migen examples on EDA Playground and send me the link,
>> I can put them on the front page. Also, EDA Playground can complement
>> existing/future Migen examples/tutorials on the web -- add a [Run It]
>> button next to the code so that the readers can run/modify the example.
>> Sebastien,
>> Can you add a link to Migen documentation? Something like: EDA Playground
>> -- run Migen simulations online
>> Thanks,
>> Victor
>> P.S. I'll be working on integrating Migen with synthesis flows next.
>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Sebastien Bourdeauducq <
>> <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
>> '');>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 11/29/2013 10:32 PM, Victor Lyuboslavsky wrote:
>>> > That seems to be working. Signals seem to be getting mapped to input
>>> > ports. What about output ports -- does the convert method automatically
>>> > figure out what is input and output?
>>> Yes, if you assign to IO signals via comb/sync statements or an
>>> instance, etc. they will automatically become output ports.
>>> > And Sink/Source variables -- are they not synthesizable?
>>> They are synthesizable. They are objects that contain other Signals
>>> internally; if you want them as port, those internal Signals should be
>>> passed into the "ios" parameter of verilog.convert. This is one of the
>>> many cases that the simple Signal lister I proposed does not handle.
>>> You could make it recognize Record types (of which Source and Sink are
>>> derived) to fix this particular problem, or just keep it simple and
>>> stupid and let the user deal manually with special cases. It is e.g.
>>> possible to have a Python list, set, or dictionary containing port
>>> signals. You cannot automatically recognize all possibilities
>>> correctly...
>>> > What are a couple good example designs that I can try the verilog
>>> > conversion on?
>>> Look at the divider and cordic:
>>> A more complex design can be the LASMIcon SDRAM bank control FSM:
>>> Sebastien
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