Thanks Brian -- I updated the README here and will CMR it over to v1.3:

On Jan 13, 2009, at 8:18 PM, Brian Barrett wrote:

On Jan 13, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Patrick Geoffray wrote:

Jeff Squyres wrote:
Gaah! I specifically asked Patrick and George about this and they said that the README text was fine. Grr...

When I looked at that time, I vaguely remember that _both_ PMLs were initialized but CM was eventually used because it was the last one. It looked broken, but it worked in the end (MTL was used with CM PML). I don't know if that behavior changed since.

I just tested 1.3rc4 with MX and it uses the btl by default. The reason is the cm init lowers the priority to 1 unless the MTL that loaded is psm, in which case it stays at the higher default of 30. It's a fairly easy fix, I think. But the last time this was discussed people in the group had objections to using the MTL by default with MX.


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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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