On Aug 24, 2009, at 13:25 , Jeff Squyres wrote:

On Aug 24, 2009, at 11:35 AM, George Bosilca wrote:

As a side note, a very similar effect can be obtained by decreasing
the eager size of the BTLs to be equal to the size of the match
header, which is about 24 bytes.

I disagree with this statement.  ;-)

We currently don't export the BTL or PML header size, so you can't possibly know what value to set the eager limit to. And even if we did, as the conversation between you, me, and Brian from the last Chicago Forum meeting proved, the exact definition of "eager_limit" is a fairly nebulous thing.

It's enough to ask somebody who knows. While I agree that we don't have a simple definition of the eager_limit, for this particular topic it's enough to set it as low as possible.

My point is that this is a fairly trivial-to-implement feature. It can even be done in a way that doesn't impact performance at all (default to compile out).

It is more trivial than this: mpirun -np 2 --mca btl_tcp_rndv_eager_limit 0 --mca btl_tcp_eager_limit 72 --bynode ./ NPmpi ?

We all know that there are many MPI correctness tools that are available, but it can be difficult to get users to actually use them. If they can flip a switch a mpirun time to turn on some semantic checking, that's a Good Thing.

I know the approach "because we can". We develop an MPI library, and we should keep it that way. Our main focus should not diverge to provide features for a hand of users, features that will barely be maintained and that might hit us back in the future. There are way to many critical features that we need now, to focus on something as trivial as transforming sends in ssends.

Anyway, we are a community based project and the vote of the community will decide the fate of this RFC.


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