On Aug 24, 2009, at 2:26 PM, George Bosilca wrote:

> My point is that this is a fairly trivial-to-implement feature.  It
> can even be done in a way that doesn't impact performance at all
> (default to compile out).

It is more trivial than this: mpirun -np 2 --mca
btl_tcp_rndv_eager_limit 0 --mca btl_tcp_eager_limit 72  --bynode ./
NPmpi ?

You would have a user do that rather than

   mpirun --mca mpi_force_ssend 1 -np 2 --bynode ./NPmpi


I'm an OMPI implementor and I'll never remember that the TCP BTL requires *2* eager limits, much less what their values are. :-)

Jeff Squyres

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