On Jun 21, 2012, at 8:40 AM, TERRY DONTJE wrote:

> So you specify --with-ofed and you get mca_btl_openib generated?  ICK!!!  I 
> think that will just make things more confusing.  I am against this unless 
> you change the btl name.

We already have this situation.  There are 4 components that use OpenFabrics:

- oob ud
- btl ofud
- btl openib
- hwloc hwloc142

I'm saying that we call a spade a spade -- the common element between all of 
these components is that they utilize OpenFabrics support.

The name OpenIB is soooo out of date that we really should get rid of it where 
we can.  I'm volunteering to remove it in OMPI's configury.  Renaming the 
openib component is a good goal too, but I don't have the cycles for that.

Also, per the bottom part of my original email, I'm changing my recommendation 
to be --with-openfabrics (vs. --with-ofed).

Jeff Squyres
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