On Jun 22, 2012, at 11:26 PM, TERRY DONTJE wrote:

>> 4. The behavior of --with[out]-verbs is as was described in a prior mail:
>>   - if --with-verbs is specified, all 3 verbs-based components must succeed
>>   - if --without-verbs is specified, all 4 verbs-based components will not 
>> build
>>   - if --with-verbs=DIR is specified, all 3 verbs-based components must 
>> succeed and will use DIR to find verbs headers and libraries
> What does it mean that "all 3 verbs-based components must succeed"?  
> Does that mean you cannot specify --with-verbs=DIR --with-openib 
> --without-ofud?

Yes.  --with/without-ofud never worked, anyway (i.e., there was no code that 
implemented it).  Ditto that there was no --with/without-ud.

> Does it mean that if you specify --with-verbs=DIR  and some other dependency 
> is not found for openib btl that the configure fails?

Yes.  Same was true for --with-openib=DIR.

> What is the 4th verbs-based component this is not built when one specifies 
> --without-verbs.

There isn't one.  

You're probably thinking of hwloc; hwloc can *use* verbs, but it doesn't 
*require* verbs.  The other 3 (OOB UD, BTL OFUD, BTL openib) all *require* 
verbs and cannot be built without it.

Jeff Squyres
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