+1 for me!

On May 29, 2014, at 7:26 AM, Thomas Naughton <naught...@ornl.gov> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks Jeff, I think that was a pretty good summary of things.
>> Thomas indicated there was no rush on the RFC; perhaps we can discuss this 
>> next-next-Tuesday (June 10)?
> Phone discussion seems like a good idea and June 10 sounds good to me.
> Thanks,
> --tjn
> _________________________________________________________________________
>  Thomas Naughton                                      naught...@ornl.gov
>  Research Associate                                   (865) 576-4184
> On Thu, 29 May 2014, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
>> I refrained from speaking up on this thread because I was on travel, and I 
>> wanted to think a bit more about this before I said anything.
>> Let me try to summarize the arguments that have been made so far...
>> A. Things people seem to agree on:
>> 1. Inclusion in trunk has no correlation to being included in a release
>> 2. Prior examples of (effectively) single-organization components
>> B. Reasons to have STCI/HPX/etc. components in SVN trunk:
>> 1. Multiple organizations are asking (ORNL, UTK, UH)
>> 2. Easier to develop/merge the STCI/HPX/etc. components over time
>> 3. Find all alternate RTE components in one place (vs. multiple internet 
>> repos)
>> 4. More examples of how to use the RTE framework
>> C. Reasons not to have STCI/HPX/etc. components in the SVN trunk:
>> 1. What is the (technical) gain is for being in the trunk?
>> 2. Concerns about external release schedule pressure
>> 3. Why have something on the trunk if it's not eventually destined for a 
>> release?
>> In particular, I think B2 and C1 seem to be in conflict with each other.
>> I have several thoughts about this topic, but I'm hesitant to continue this 
>> already lengthy thread on a contentious topic.  I also don't want to spend 
>> the next 30 minutes writing a lengthy, carefully-worded email that will just 
>> spawn further lengthy, carefully-worded emails (each costing 15-30 minutes). 
>>  Prior history has shown that we discuss and resolve issues much more 
>> rationally on the phone (vs. email hell).
>> I would therefore like to discuss this on a weekly Tuesday call.
>> Next week is bad because it's the MPI Forum meeting; I suspect that some -- 
>> but not all -- of us will not be on the Tuesday call because we'll be at the 
>> Forum.
>> Thomas indicated there was no rush on the RFC; perhaps we can discuss this 
>> next-next-Tuesday (June 10)?
>> On May 27, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Thomas Naughton <naught...@ornl.gov> wrote:
>>> WHAT:  add new component to ompi/rte framework
>>> WHY:   because it will simplify our maintenance & provide an alt. reference
>>> WHEN:  no rush, soon-ish? (June 12?)
>>> This is a component we currently maintain outside of the ompi tree to
>>> support using OMPI with an alternate runtime system.  This will also
>>> provide an alternate component to ORTE, which was motivation for PMI
>>> component in related RFC.   We build/test nightly and it occasionally
>>> catches ompi-rte abstraction violations, etc.
>>> Thomas
>>> _________________________________________________________________________
>>> Thomas Naughton                                      naught...@ornl.gov
>>> Research Associate                                   (865) 576-4184
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>> -- 
>> Jeff Squyres
>> jsquy...@cisco.com
>> For corporate legal information go to: 
>> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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>> devel mailing list
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>> Link to this post: 
>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/devel/2014/05/14904.php
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