Hi Christopher.

.yaml file translated to .spec which is used for building .rpm
this translation is done using template engine. Link above briefly describe
For description of .spec file see
About you questions, PkgBR will translates to BuildRequire line in .spec
file, it adds additional depency to rpm package that checked once package
PkgConfigBR do almost the same but accepts pkgconfig name (i.e. generates
BuildRequire: pkgconfig(<package-name>) )

On 29 October 2013 00:08, <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch> wrote:

> Hi Dmitry
> Thanks for your rapid answer.
> While that is a wonderful list of spectacle keywords, it leaves me none
> the wiser as to what they do.
> Chris
> Zitat von Dmitry <energyc...@gmail.com>:
> https://wiki.merproject.org/**wiki/Spectacle<https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Spectacle>
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