Hi Luciano

I have done some quick tests.

If I turn networking off on the development host then

a) if all packages specified in the .yaml file are already installed, then the app will build and run with no error.

b) if required packages are not yet installed, then the build with exit with error as it cannot connect to a repository.



Zitat von christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:

Hi Luciano

Thank you for your kind words.

Your emulator / train issue is an interesting one. I do a lot of my development on a train on the way to and from work, and I am able to build without any problems. Sometimes I will have an iffy network connection over my N9, but mostly not.

That said I have not tried to build with the latest Alpha update without a network connection. I can try later this evening.

My primary development host is OSX; I guess yours is some flavour of Linux?

When you say "network interface has no address, do you mean the host, or the emulator?



Zitat von "Luciano Montanaro" <mikel...@gmail.com>:

Thank you very much,

that is a good introduction to packaging, and it covers all the
stumbling blocks I have encountered with regards to packaging/
One thing that I have discovered is that my QtCreator cannot connect
to the emulator if there network interface has no address: Since I
often try to build when traveling/on a train, that was a problem. The
workaround I discovered is to assign a network address to a network
device like: ifconfig eth0 Then building works as

The rest I think is covered... But I still get bitten from time to
time by QtCreator "updating" my yaml file on its own, which requires
cleaning it up.

I have a new problem now, but it is not related to building, and I
will post it separately.


On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 5:19 PM,  <christopher.l...@thurweb.ch> wrote:
Hi all

As the topic of installing the to the SDK and Emulator is one which has
raised many questions in the is mailing list, I have collected the wisdom
from replies to this and similar threads, and have created a guide to
installing on my Sailfish blog.

The post can be found here:


Comments, corrections, and suggestions for improvement are welcome via this
mailing list.



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Luciano Montanaro

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
no account be allowed to do the job. -- Douglas Adams

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