Hi Aaron, > You are not doing anything wrong. As you discovered items are only visible > when the map zoom level is greater than 3. Between zoom levels 2 and 3 the > opacity is ramped down linearly and is 0 below a zoom level of 2. See > https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-25393 for details on why this > was implemented.
Thank you very much. But does it mean that I cannot show any objects in zoomLevel 1? Are there no workarounds for this? Let's say that I need to show a full cruise of a ship between two distant continents - I want to show it over the whole world map visible at once, i.e. zoom level 1, so that the user does not have to scroll the map all around to see the whole route... Zoom level 3 where the items become visible is of no use - it only fits a very small part of the what I need to show at once... Everything worked so well in Qt4.8/QtMobility.location 1.2.... Many thanks, bolek _______________________________________________ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list