
you might be able to modify this behavior through overriding 



On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 08:21:52 AM tw_bolek wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> > You are not doing anything wrong. As you discovered items are only 
> > when the map zoom level is greater than 3. Between zoom levels 2 and 
3 the
> > opacity is ramped down linearly and is 0 below a zoom level of 2. See
> > https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-25393 for details on 
> > this was implemented.
> Thank you very much. But does it mean that I cannot show any objects in
> zoomLevel 1?  Are there no workarounds for this?   Let's say that I need 
> show a full cruise of a ship between two distant continents - I want to
> show it over the whole world map visible at once, i.e. zoom level 1, so
> that the user does not have to scroll the map all around to see the 
> route...  Zoom level 3 where the items become visible is of no use - it
> only fits a very small part of the what I need to show at once...   
> Everything worked so well in Qt4.8/QtMobility.location 1.2....
> Many thanks, bolek
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