> We're trying to sort out our policy for handling bugs like this - eg do we
> give
> you the internal bug #. If we do then how do we notify you of changes etc?
> How
> much effort needs to go into de-duping bugs?
> Some people may recall the Maemo bugzillla was not a total success (!) in
> terms
> of communication and the current feeling is that it's not the right answer
> for
> Jolla.
> For more technical bugs we do have the Mer and Nemo bugzillas - but they
> really
> are for code and not end user issues like this. I personally suspect we'll
> need
> something like that for Sailfish development related bugs too but we don't
> want
> to put something official in place until we know we can provide the
> support
> you'd expect.
> So, in summary, we are working on systems for this and we don't want to
> provide
> a half-baked solution which no-one will like - watch this space!

some thoughts from myself on this:

the problem is that sailfish incorporates alot of different things:
 - sailfish UI (Qt stuff)
 - jolla apps
 - sailfishOS system (file system, sailfish-specific configuration stuff
(not mer/nemo))
 - jolla device specific configuration
 - jolla hw
 - harbour
 - etc...

perhaps simply opening up the internal bugtracker and having all bugs
private, except if deemed public

people submitting a bug would be private after submission (only for jolla
employees), but at least we'd know for sure that you guys were handling

if it's not conflicting, perhaps jolla employees could even mark some bugs
as public (or possibly the reporter could request it?)

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