W dniu 18.12.2013 14:50, David Greaves pisze:
Some people may recall the Maemo bugzillla was not a total success (!) in terms
of communication and the current feeling is that it's not the right answer for

The fact that something hasn't worked well doesn't mean it won't work good in future. Maybe instead negating the idea of community bug tracker, let's seriously think what didn't work then (Maemo bug tracker) and how to overcome that so it would work now (Sailfish bug tracker). Otherwise someone could say*, that Sailfish won't succeed, because it is done by the same people who worked on Meego and Meego failed at Nokia.

For more technical bugs we do have the Mer and Nemo bugzillas - but they really
are for code and not end user issues like this. I personally suspect we'll need
something like that for Sailfish development related bugs too but we don't want
to put something official in place until we know we can provide the support
you'd expect.

Nemo bugzilla is mostly dead, except the Glacier UI related part. That would suggest that Nemo middelware does not have bugs, but strangely development is going on if you look at github nemo middelware parts ;) What happened to weekly bug triages? Maybe it's high time to think and talk seriously about co-creation now that it is _after_ launch.

So, in summary, we are working on systems for this and we don't want to provide
a half-baked solution which no-one will like - watch this space!

Wait a second, isn't Sailfish OS in beta stage and already sold as part of product? So having that in mind it's hard to disagree with statement that half-baked solution is better than no solution. Maybe half-baked bug tracker would be much better than no bug tracker as it is now? Especially that as it was seen on this mailing list people have doubts if bugs they post here aren't omitted.


* - I see this kind of comments on some portals sometimes under news about Sailfish

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