W dniu 18.12.2013 18:55, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch pisze:
Hi Filip


I also think that a less than perfect bug tracker would be better than
non at all.

Surely the primary purpose of this mailing list is Sailfish Development,
but at the moment it is being flooded with bug reports that may be of
interest to Developers @ Jolla, but are probably less interesting to
developers outside Jolla.

I think it would be better if we started with a very simple process /
system, and let that evolve with time and experience, rather than
waiting for a perfect all singing-all-dancing bug tracker that will
probably never come at all.

Yes, I am also all for iterating the whole thing rather than "surprise, surprise what good we brought for you... ups, you don't like it? Nah, I'm sure you will like it sooner or later ..." approach.

One of the arguments mentioned by someone from Jolla on IRC was "the community bugtracker will become quickly a mess and people will be even more frustrated than if there wouldn't be a bugtracker at all". In other words it's a path "We (the company) know better what is best for you!". Please Jolla don't sail in that direction.

Nils idea for another, separate mailing list to submit bugs as a temporary solution sounds good. Then we should probably continue discussing _in_the_open_ a real bugtracker solution.

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