
short update.

On 17.12.2013 17:43, Iekku Pylkka wrote:

Heads up: Soon we won't allow any files not needing the execution bit
set, to have it set. So .png, .desktop and .qml files (and any other
file you package with your rpm, except the binary) are not allowed to
have permission 755, just 644!

You might now get with your rejection info some warning about that, e.g.

"WARNING [/usr/share/$NAME/qml/pages/main.qml] File must not be executable"

This is not yet the reason that your rpm got rejected! Just an info that you might need to change something in future. Details will follow.

New APIs are approved as we go along - we'll inform you when you're
allowed to use new APIs in Harbour apps on the mailing list. If you
think you need an API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app that
is not yet approved, let us know on sailfish-devel. The current list of
approved APIs can be found on https://harbour.jolla.com/faq

We allow now some more libraries, please check out:

Happy hacking
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