On 24 December 2013 06:15, Thomas Perl <th.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Because of the dynamic nature of Python, it's even harder to verify
> apps don't break with OS/library updates compared to native C/C++
> libraries (where one could at least do a static check for exported
> symbols, etc..). Just providing the standard library as shipped with
> Python 3 is relatively easy to maintain, and apps can then ship
> different versions of modules they need.

Hi Thomas. This is understandable - having Python available at all is fantastic.

> We can of course provide some guidelines for how to best
> package/bundle Python libraries (especially more complicated ones that
> involve C extension modules) into an application's RPM package, and
> make sure the bundling/packaging experience is as good as possible.

Any guides would be very welcome, as I come from a python and web
development background. Packaging is something I don't have much
experience at.

I've started making some general Sailfish & Python Development notes
on the Mer wiki:

Thanks again!

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