OK now it is showing as the update to be downloaded (Version 
1.0.2-10.12.5.jolla), but download immediately gets to ~5% and then it gets 

Otherwise the Jolla store seems to be working ok for now 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Kalle Lammenoja" <kalle.lammen...@gmail.com> 
To: "Sailfish OS Developers" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org> 
Sent: Saturday, 28 December, 2013 2:13:43 AM 
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for SailfishOS update 2 

Yah, the download for os update started, but was stuck, so i rebooted, and now 
store crashes when i launch it :/ 

2013/12/27 Luca Donaggio < donag...@gmail.com > 

I have exactly the same problem as Henry! First I got the Jolla app updates 
(not working as they probably depends from SailfishOS update) and now cannot 
download OS update. 

Could it be that all the sailors out there are trying to download the update at 
the same time? :-) 

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Henry Kwong < henrykw...@helsinkinet.fi > 

I am currently on but it is currently saying the update is to 
"Version 1.0.1-10.11.10.jolla" and not - doesnt sound right. The 
download is currently not working (it seems to have stopped after less than 10% 

I also have the same problem Kimmo mentioned with the 8 updates and related 
install errors. I had suspected that the app updates require which is 
the reason the app-updates failed - but now it appears I cannot verify if that 
is true or not. 

Help! How can I update the system to 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kimmo Lindholm" < kimmo.lindh...@eke.fi > 
To: "Sailfish OS Developers" < devel@lists.sailfishos.org > 
Sent: Saturday, 28 December, 2013 1:43:29 AM 
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] [Update] Changelog for SailfishOS update 2 

And store is completely stuck.... 
I can see 8 updates to jolla-* apps, but it gives error if trying to install. 

For some reason i first see app updates in store, but not yet the system 

Is this intention or a bug in update distribution system? 
Aren't the app's updated anyway when the system is updated? 


>we're releasing update2 today. The changelog can be found (and commented 
>on) here: 
> https://together.jolla.com/question/3612/release-notes-software-update-2-1025/
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Luca Donaggio 
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