Maybe make the application download the map on the first run?
But you must be able to provide the maps on a server in this case.

The additional benefit is that the user can skip downloading the data
if he knows it will not use it.


On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Wim de Vries <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am converting my aircraft navigation app to Sailfish.
> It comes (default) with OpenStreet based maps + 3D data files of Western
> Europe (in RPM).
> Most users will use this map, but some users may use their home made maps
> (generated by a PC application).
> In the latter case, the users will delete this W-Europe map (it takes up
> quite some disk space).
> So far so good, but the installation/RPM is a problem:
> Harbour says that I should install the app data (very much bytes for the
> W-Eu map) in /usr/share/$NAME and in the first run of the app, copy them to
> But  now I am stuck with an enormous amount of (useless) data in
> /usr/share/$NAME that cannot be removed.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks.
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Luciano Montanaro

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