Hi Thomas

Thanks for your input.

I suspect the whole "mailing-list vs forum" thing will be a matter of taste and experience. Both have their plus sides and downsides.

I am now trying out Thunderbird, but will hold of commenting until I have got used to it.

On 24.05.14 19:32, "Thomas B. Rücker" wrote:
* Private Messages
I'm not sure if you are serious.
Did you hear about this thing called … email?

I counter with "have you heard of this thing called privacy?" In some forums your email is suppresed by default. Other users only see your avatar, and thus pms are used for "back-channel" talk instead of email. In a small intimate community like this one, privacy (or invasion thereof) should not be a problem, but that might change if the community were to mushroom in size.



B.t.w my Pizza has to be the classic Napoli ...

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