On 21 Jun 2014, at 16:21, Alejandro Exojo <s...@badopi.org> wrote:

> El Wednesday 18 June 2014, Robin Burchell escribió:
>> Sorry folks. This wasn’t intended to be posted here, but, have a slight
>> visual on what’s going on behind the curtain anyway. :)
> I hope everything went well and nobody phoned you in the middle of sleep. :)
>> tl;dr: Qt 5.2 upgrade is on the way in the nearish (but not immediate)
>> future
> How come that you are not skipping 5.2 and going straight to 5.3?

Hi Alejandro,

Moving to a new Qt release takes quite a bit of effort and our 5.2 branch is 
getting into a pretty good shape. Jumping to 5.3 would mean a lot of additional 
sanity testing and based on the outcome of that, adapting to changes and bug 
fixing. It would delay the update by an unknown amount of weeks or months. The 
5.2 branch already contains stuff which we really want in the platform (like 
the improvements to QtQuick) and we want those sooner rather than later. We'll 
get around to 5.3 and also 5.4 eventually, though. Just not right now :)

> IIRC, you 
> had some patches on top of 5.1, so I understand that rebasing them is a lot 
> of 
> work. Skipping a release might be harder now, but maybe is worth it later on.

Very true, an we've taken steps to get away from that situation. For our Qt 5.2 
branch, we still have a lot of patches, but all of these patches were 
upstreamed to 5.3 and 5.4 before they were back-ported into our 5.2 branch, so 
we're converging rather than diverging. 

> I'm pretty sure you know what you are doing, but I fear you might end up with 
> non-upstreamed things and end up with the problem the SDK has, that is some 
> releases behind what Qt Creator is upstream, for example.

It is a valid point, and do we want to stay fairly close to the latest released 
Qt, preferably without patches. But since we also have a platform on top of Qt, 
there is some latency in getting there.

Hope that answers your question.


> Cheers.
> -- 
> Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
> http://barnacity.net/ | http://disperso.net
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