
Thanks for your input :)

> Hi, I am a SQL noob, but here's my piece of advice:
> Use a QML list model as a "proxy" and then replace the database with
> the QML list model's data at some point, like after the user exits
> some sort of list edit mode. It might not be the most efficient way
> but it works and is really easy, you just need a loop that throws
> all the things from the QML list model into the SQL database and
> another one to do this the other way around.

How would you make such a thing ? Use the destructor of the proxy to update the 
database ?

I have to admit that I don't really like this approach, it sounds kinda risky 
to me. And it also means that I have to add extra loops for something that 
shouldn't require it.

But I'll probably give it a try if I don't get any other lead :)

Thanks again :)

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