Hi Francoise,
Yeah, sorry about that. I'm not used to working in team and I also avoid variable names 
that can look like keywords (i.e. "list").
I also always use "r" for the variable that is returned.
I see. I use Longer Names to avoid the keywords stuff, like remorseList. IDE 
will always offer you the long names so it is not an issue for me.
Thanks that you added some more comments.

Hmm, However I would not say that this is neccessary for team effort. It is a 
Maintenance thing. Even you will forget what you have done today.
Maybe you remeber it in the next 3 years, but in 10 years you will not know 
what you had in mind. I think it is best to routinly think of speakable names. 
I never use one digit Variables.
So in you own interest I would recommend to think in longer terms in general - 
I mean we live in a time where everything last shorter and shorter. I think 
this is not something we should aim at in general.
Well it's seems pretty obvious : I want to remove several items from the list, 
one after the other.
When you do this quickly, several remorses can run at the same time.
I would use slot&signals and actions to use with the QML. And what I would do I 
would first let the user collect what he want to delete and then have a a menue or 
gesture to execute.

I personly very much like the youtube tutorials from voidrealms. Even they are 
for Desktop Programming he shows all the tools that you need to know for gui 
Programming with QT. They should be the same base then for Silica.;)

Check these out:
Signal & slots   -> https://youtu.be/JtyCM4BTbYo?list=PL2D1942A4688E9D63
Actions          -> https://youtu.be/uLF9KWUR9ro?list=PL2D1942A4688E9D63
threads create   -> https://youtu.be/JaGqGhRW5Ks?list=PL2D1942A4688E9D63
threads priority -> https://youtu.be/JaGqGhRW5Ks?list=PL2D1942A4688E9D63
threads deadlock -> https://youtu.be/5WEiQ3VJfxc?list=PL2D1942A4688E9D63
threads gui      -> https://youtu.be/PR6wVy7Et1A?list=PL2D1942A4688E9D63

Sorry, I am working (currently) as software architect, and this is just to much 
my job ... :P

Have fun!

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