deloptes wrote:

> Hi,
> I wanted to know if following scenario is normal from msyncd point of view
> to stop the server when no sync was done and to leave the server running
> after one sync was done.
> E.0. restart msynd to make sure all is clean
> A.1. enable BT - msyncd spawns the syncml-server process
> A.2. disable BT - msyncd terminates the syncml-server process.
> E.0. restart msynd to make sure all is clean
> B.1. enable BT - msyncd spawns the syncml-server process
> B.2. perform sync from PC - sync session (agent) exits
> B.3. disable BT - msyncd does not terminate the syncml-server process.
> In A.2 it says
> [W] unknown:0 - Invalid reply for stopListen from plugin and process is
> killed-> exit 15
> [W] unknown:0 - The server thread for profile:  "syncml" is still running.
> Server will be deleted later
> Server stopped: "syncml"
> Process  "/usr/lib/buteo-plugins-qt5//oopp/syncml-server"  finished with
> exit code 15
> In B.3 it is not asking OOP profile or whatever to stop the server.
> Which behavior is the correct one? Or where I can read? From the code
> perspective in the plugin nothing was changed. When BT is disabled it
> updates the state and emits the signal. Why is the buteo-syncfw behaving
> differently?
> Thank you in advance
> regards

I just found this one - so it is intentional? But we are adding reference to
the server onNewSession. I am not sure if this is correct. Let me know more
about it.

Thank you

void ServerPluginRunner::onSessionDone()

    // Remove reference to the server plug-in. This may result in stopping
    // the server plug-in, if it doesn't need to be active any more.

#if 0
    // SyncML Server plugin should not die after one single session
    // Don't think removing the server reference is useful
    if (iServerActivator != 0)

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