
On 12/03/2014 10:59 PM, Emmanuel Baccelli wrote:
But in the first place, we would like to debate this topic. In
particular: is anyone violently opposing the idea of migrating to a less
restrictive license, such as BSD? If so, why? On the other hand, if you
explicitly support the license change, feel free to indicate this as
well. Please send your opinion to the list before Dec. 10th.
I'm violently opposing the switch to a less restricitive license.

IMHO the floating interpretations on LGPL (e.g., [1]) pose the following restrictions on any product using LPGL'ed RIOT:

1. The entity distributing such a product must mention the use of RIOT.

E.g., the user manual has to state that RIOT has been used.
This is common practice, just pick your favirote gadget and look for that.

2. The entity distributing such a product must make a copy of the used RIOT version available via means specified in the LGPL.

This is also common practice. Nowadays, about all vendors of Linux based routers provide a "GPL tarball" containing copies of any used GPL stuff.

3. The entity distributing such a product must release any part of RIOT that it modified under LGPL.

4. The entity distributing RIOT must provide means to exchange the RIOT part of the product's software with a (newer) version of RIOT.

This requires the device to be field-upgradable and also it requires the distributor to provide at least the object files that were used in the final linking step.

Mind that 4. doesn't require the released object files to be compatible with *any newer version* of the library.

So basically, LGPL forces changes to core RIOT to stay under LGPL and it also forces vendors to sell products which can be updated.

As far as I interpret the opinions of the RIOT community, we mostly agree that the actual license does what we expect our license to do (apart from patent protection).

The only reason why we think about another license change is FUD on the company side, as the perception of the license scares away potential users. We don't want to push away potential users, so we try to find a license which takes away the FUD by giving up all rights to the code that we develop in order to please those companies.

IMHO, we don't need those companies to succeed as a community project which will play a large role in IoT.

Also IMHO, the advantages of LGPL, like the forced upgradability (implying possible security advantages), impossibility of sell out of community contributions, higher value of devices due to lack vendor lock-in / repurposability, complete vendor independence, ... outweigh the promise of a stream of contributions by companies selling products. Companies which are unwilling to comply to our fairly unrestrictive license.

That said, if most of the community agrees to switch to a less restrictive license, I will agree to that, too. That is not because I have been convinced that the change is the right choice, but because I really like the biggest strength of RIOT: the community and the actual people behind it.


[1] http://copyleft.org/guide/comprehensive-gpl-guidech11.html#x14-9400010
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