Hey Hauke!

> To my experience the typical situation in
> (larger) companies is, that technical people actually would like to work
> with LGPL products an give code back but that they are not allowed to from
> their management due to their lawyers not allowing LGPL. For MIT I see a
> different picture: from my experience there are mostly strong rules in
> industry about choosing a certain license, but not so many about giving back
> changes to the community.

Actually, the person from FSFE we've contacted told us that the attitude of
several executives towards open source software is: "Oh, it's free, but you
have to contribute back? Okay, then we have to live with that." or "Oh, it's
free and we don't have to give anything back? Great, why the hell should you
publish our code. Don't do it!"

(Of, course there might be many more executives just saying: "Oh, it's free,
but you to contribute back? Don't even think about touching it!")

> (iii) Last I think the community is not influenced very much by changing to
> MIT. It's not like a company can take the code and forbid anyone to continue
> working on RIOT. If the is a company taking the code, developing it further
> internally and selling the results without sharing it can happen. But in the
> mean time RIOT will move on (and that fast to the current point) and that
> means the motivation for paying for a closed-down RIOT clone instead of
> using the open Original is not very high.

I second this thought! As Kaspar has written, too: It's all about the
community and the fun time spending with this awesome tool. It's gonna be
always free and open source, no matter what stupid companies try to do with it
behind closed doors. We are RIOT, the rest is just code!

/* These are the most dangerous and useful defines. They do printk() during
 * the interrupt processing routine(s), so if you manage to get "flooded" by
 * irq's, start thinking about the "Power off/on" button...

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