2017-06-13 14:45 GMT+02:00 Oleg <o...@riot-os.org>:
> Hi Baptiste!
> On 2017-06-13 12:30, Baptiste Clenet wrote:
>> On netdev event: NETDEV_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE (after
>> AT86RF2XX_TRX_STATE__TRAC_SUCCESS state), how may I get the ACK frame
>> received by at86rf2xx?
> The ACK frame is processed automatically by the transceiver. There is no way
> to access it using the extended mode. If you use the base mode, you will
> have to send and process the ACK yourself.

Ok I don't want to process the ACK myself, I only want to get the
frame on AT86RF2XX_TRX_STATE__TRAC_SUCCESS state. Is the ACK frame
store in a register/frame buffer? Or do we must use base mode to get
the ACK frame.

> Cheers,
> Oleg
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