Hi Koen,

really great: please let us know once you are ready for a deployment.


On 11/10/2017 17:10, Martine Lenders wrote:
Hi Koen,

Wow, +1!


2017-10-11 16:59 GMT+02:00 Koen Zandberg <k...@bergzand.net <mailto:k...@bergzand.net>>:


    One of the issues from the CI discussion at the RIOT summit was the
    tracking and graphing of the nightly build sizes. After some
    instructions from Kaspar for getting the JSON files I got something
    working here:


    For now I want to keep it up to date by running my script as a cron
    every night approximately after the nightly build. The source code of
    the script that parses and pushes the values to the database can be
    found at my github [1].

    The dashboard is now a simple Grafana templated dashboard where a test
    and a board can be selected. I'd like to expand this by creating a
    dashboard for every test or for every board. The most difficult thing
    for now is to present the huge amount of data in a clear and concise
    way. Input on this and the overview in general is most welcome.


    [1]: https://github.com/bergzand/RIOT-graphs

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