
On 10/13/2017 01:28 PM, Hauke Petersen wrote:
> Hej,
> On 13.10.2017 13:19, Kaspar Schleiser wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 10/13/2017 09:53 AM, Hauke Petersen wrote:
>>> Thinking out loud: would it make sense to do some data aggregation for
>>> more generic views? On first thought I would imagine something like
>>> average ROM/RAM size over all application/examples over all platforms.
>> Yes! The data should already be there (in the parsed sizes.json). Maybe
>> an "all" selector for both application and board would do it?
>>> I also have an idea for code size diff visualization, that I have in my
>>> mind for quite a while: how about we draw a (huge) table, using all
>>> available platforms as columns and all available applications as rows.
>>> Each cell would then be colored: [...]
>>> What do you think about this idea, and how would you assess the
>>> doability?
>> Well, that table would be *huge* (~100 * 150 cells). We could make a
>> bitmap with mouse-over.
> This is what I head in mind, talking about something like 5x5 pixes
> per cell (or similar) - the term table was more coined as a HTML table
> would be the natural construct to build this...
I'm going to see if this is already possible via a plugin or if I can
build something. I was thinking of building a sizes diff between the
start time and the stop time and then color code. This way it should be
possible to diff between a single PR, but also over a whole release.

One feature that approximates this a bit is a carpet map. These are
already available for Grafana and are to data over time, so either all
boards or all tests over time. I'll put up a few dashboards to get a
feel for these.


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